Sunday, December 4, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 5!

5.List your bad habits and/or addictions and what you have tried to rid yourself of them.

I'm only going to list one of my bad habits on here because all the other ones that come to mind, I don't feel the world needs to delve THAT far into my life. =)
So, my bad habit is how much I HATE to clean my room. Legit. Any other room in the house, I don't mind cleaning, but cleaning my room just makes me want to throw everything I own out. And I have a bitch of a time KEEPING it clean. Not for lack of trying, oh no, I try to keep it clean, but, I dunno, I guess my room is *my* space to be *my* dis-organised self, and it just falls into a messy state before I even know it. The rest of my house though, I hate it being messy. Right now I'm trying to move into my basement, but over the years it has become somewhat of a disaster, and it's driving me up the wall because it is so messy. I get so overwhelmed by the untidiness of it that it takes me forever to accomplish anything, which pisses me off because it's not clean. But my room, it almost seems like it *has* to be messy in order for it to be *my* room.

Post 5 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

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