Thursday, December 1, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 2!

2.What 5 websites do you visit often, and why?

The top 5 websites that I visit most often are
3-Dear Blank, Please Blank
4- Google
5- Youtube

I listed Facebook because I spend soo much time on there. I'm addicted. Which is rather ironic, because I hate Facebook. I find it such a pathetic waste of time and a place where a lot of people go just to garner attention. But yet I'm inexplicably drawn to go on it. AlL THE TIME! :(
Hotmail is on this list, well, because I have to check my email several times a day haha. Why I don't know, it's not like I'm waiting for an email from the Queen or something. It's like facebook in a way, I've just got to go on it.
Dear Blank, Please Blank is retarded but funny. I've spent a lot of time on it lately reading through the posts. Some I can relate to, others make me go "WTF?" and still some make me laugh. Which is good, everybody needs to laugh.
Google... God. so addicted to them too. I'm an internet junkie I guess.. I use google to look up important (or not so important things) like, if one of my fishes (I have 4 lol) is acting odd, I'll google to see what could possibly be the matter, and how to remedy it before it dies.
As for Youtube, I just plain old love music. I have to always be listening to music or I go crazy. Youtube helps with that addiction!

Man, With all these addictions, perhaps I should go to rehab?
You might have noticed blogger is not on my top 5. I didn't forget about it haha, its just probably my number 6 most visted website. Close, but no cigar amigo. Perhaps in a little while it will move up a slot or two. =)

Post 2 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

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