Saturday, December 3, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 3!

3.Name a totally useless possession and how you came to acquire it.

I pondered this question all day, and I came up with several different answers, but each time I came to write this blog post, I magically came up with a useful reason for my owning this particular item. So, it being the end of the day, and I still haven't legitimately come up with an answer to this topic, I'm going to throw in some humour for an answer.
Acne and Fat. Two very useless items that have attached themselves to me and seem to be clinging on for dear life. No matter what I try, no matter what cream or acne medication I use, I can NOT get rid of it for any great length of time. I hate it. It is useless and completely pointless. Same goes for the fat. One day, it wasn't there. next day, BOOM! there she was by's. I have done just about everything but become anorexic to lose this damned fat. Yet here it stays. Splattered about my body. Clinging on for dear life. I am SO not a fan.

Post 3 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

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