Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blind Date..

I may or may not have my first official Blind Date tomorrow.
My Pastors wife Becky called  me today and asked if I was seeing anybody steady, when I answered "no" she said she knew of a gentleman that her and her husband have thought for a while I would get along good with. After a while of chatting we decided that tomorrow afternoon we would go for a drive and just pop over to his grandmothers for tea. This gentleman stops by his grandmothers every day at the same time for a cuppa and tomorrow there will be some extra company lol.
I've never done this blind dating thing, so I'm hoping I don't become a blubbering idiot and make a fool of myself. ( I probably will!) Here's hoping that he's cute and we hit it off. Would be kind of fun, right? haha
I will let you all know tomorrow sometime how it went! (I may or may not have another date tomorrow night ;) but I know who this guy is lol)

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