Sunday, November 24, 2013

I didn't say what Monday!

I am back (for the millionth time!) Why does it always seem that whenever I try to blog (or do anything) steady.. something always happens to disrupt it! Argh. We've been doing renovations to our house  and my poor computer got buried and I just found her yesterday evening. Getting the charging cord took me till today :P
On to exciting things..
I GOT A KITCHEN! It's all mine! :D Yay for Christmas cooking! Or any kind of cooking to be honest! ;) Be on the lookout for recipes. It's gonna be a rough little while for me and my family. My father has cancer and I'm scared. I really am. So I'm hoping to try to find an "out" to keep me busy when I get worried. Especially in the tough times. Since I know I like to cook and bake and experiment, I'm gonna try that :) I'm gonna get so fat... lol
Oh.. listen to this while you read. It'll make you happy. :)
One more month till Christmas (eve!) As much as I love Christmas.. I really just want this year to be over so we can jump into next years trials and hopefully triumphs.
Wait! I take what I said earlier back. Do NOT listen to the above video while you read.. WATCH it after :) It'll make you happier, I promise. :D How could Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra NOT make anybody happy? Seriously? They're beautiful. I'm not just talking about their voices either haha..
Lately I've been feeling rather.. frustrated.. with my job. I thoroughly enjoy what I do, most days anyways, and I think almost 4 years proves some sort of dedication... right? I've been working faithfully for Walmart for that long and I'm still part time and pretty low on the food chain so to speak. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, because I am oh so glad to have a job, but I'd really love to have full time at least. Just this week I found out that a young gentleman (he's still in school...) who has been there roughly a month is now my supervisor. Why? They wanted a male CSM because all the females have been getting pregnant lately. What? Stereo-typical much? Last time I checked you usually have to, erm, have sex.. to get pregnant. So I'm safe. In fact.. if I do become pregnant in the near future, somebody'd better call the Pope.. I'm not saying I want the supervisor position, because I really don't. I wouldn't turn it down if offered, but I wouldn't necessarily beg for it unless it was a full time position. I've even spoke to my boss, and explained my whole situation to him and said look, I need more hours. It's not any longer a "want" thing. Since we found out that dad has cancer, it has become a "need"..
Anyways... lol I'll post pictures of my kitchen as soon as it get's completed. :) My taps have got to go in yet, and my dish washer :) Then I get to decorate. Eeeeeeee! I'm stupid with excitement hehe
Speaking of work though.. I have to work in the morning! So it's off to bed I go. Well, as soon as I plug in my Frank Sinatra Christmas CD and put it on repeat repeat repeat :P
Night lovies
xox Lisa

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What A Week!

Due to a passing of a dear friends mother, I will not be blogging for the next couple of days.  I will be back by Monday though :)
till next time

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Soldiers Angels

My apologies for not posting yesterday... things got a little busy haha
Today's post is going to be about an organization that is very dear to me.. Soldier's Angels. Their motto is "May No Solider Go Unloved" and that is exactly what they aim to do! Their goal is for every deployed hero to have someone write to them and send them goodies from home, to express our gratitude for their hard work and dedication to their country. Yes, they are an American company, and I am a Canadian, but I still believe strongly in their dedication to the service men and women.
Soldier's Angels has several different "teams" that you can join to support the troops in many different ways! If your strength does not lie in writing letters and cards, and you're more of a baker, you can join the Angel Bakers and bake some yummy goodies to send to the men and women overseas.
To find more about the teams at Soldiers Angels visit this link.
This month they are collecting Christmas cards to send to the troops (yes, I know... too early to think about Christmas.. and snow...) I've been writing them out by the dozen haha.
If you are interested in "adopting" a hero you can visit Soldiers Angels by clicking here. It's a really great thing to do to bring a little joy to someone who is fighting for their countries freedom. And! If you wanted to send a Christmas card (or more haha) there are two addresses you can use :
Soldiers’ Angels Christmas

5068 US HWY 64 East

Franklinville, NC 27248 


Soldiers’ Angels Christmas

145 N Sierra Madre Blvd. 
Ste 5 

Pasadena, CA  91107

I have been an "angel" off and on since I was about 12.. I still keep in contact with my first soldier and he's one of my dearest friends. He was redeployed a few years ago and I sent letters to him again while he was overseas. 
Currently there are 346 heroes waiting for "adoption" why not sign up today? Perfect timing for Christmas! You could  bring some joy to a deployed hero far away from home at Christmas time. 
till next time

Friday, November 1, 2013

November Blogging...

Hey all,
In order to get  myself back into the blogging deal more regularly each day in November I am going to try (emphasis on try!) to pick a cause that I support and blog all about it.. as you can see, today I did "Movember" and tomorrow I will blog about another cause that I am very fond of. To see what this cause is and read all about it you'll have to check back tomorrow!
Till then


Its that time of year again ladies and gentlemen! The time of year where men shave their faces and start growing a "mo" to support men's health issues like prostate cancer. I unfortunately do not have a man to show you all his "mo" ;) so I invite you to follow my bro-in-law Peter and the Toronto Moustachians!! For the last couple of years Pete has grown a pretty awesome "mo" so I'm sure this year it will be no different and no less hilarious!
As soon as I find out how you can donate to the Toronto Moustachians (or to Movember in general) I will absolutely let you know!! This is a great cause and I know you all will help me out here :)
Happy "Mo"ing everybody!