Thursday, December 8, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 9!

9.Who was your first crush and what made them special?

It had to come up, didn't it? Friiig.
My first real crush was either Anthony or Jesse. Both were around the same time and I can't remember which one I went head over heels for first lol. They were special because, well, they were freaking HOT! Not gonna lie, seen Anthony the other day, he's still got some good looks lol! Anthony was special first because he was nice to me, second because he was hot. Jesse was special first because he was my biathlon team-mate, second because he was super nice, and third because he was pretty beautiful lol. Oh to be 14 again lol What an embarassing year. I hope my child never has to go through that. haha.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 8!

8.When was your last food craving, and what did you crave?

My last food craving was....right now haha. Just kidding. It was oh... about a week or so ago. We were having rice and honey garlic ribs for supper one night, I just wasn't sure what night. I craved those ribs all freaking week long until we finally had them. Honey garlic ribs are my absolute favourite food. Ever. I could eat ribs all the time and never ever get bored of them. So long as they are juicy and honey garlic, I'm sold.

Post 8 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 7!

7.What are your religious beliefs? Have they changed, or have they always stayed the same?

My religious beliefs. Thats easy. I love Jesus Christ. Through and through. I always have and I always will. I believe He was born of a virgin's womb who conceived by the Holy Spirit, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross to forgive my sins.
As I thought about this question all day, I couldn't help but think "gee, thats a hard one to answer..." because I was baptized a Catholic, but I haven't attended a Catholic church faithfully since I was a young girl. I have attended numerous churches, the ones I have been faithful to, as much as possible, are the Salvation Army in Charlottetown, PEI, and The Cloverdale Union in Cloverdale, New Brunswick. But then it hit me, it's not a question of what church I go to, or how often I attend really, it's a question of what, or who, do I believe in, and that made the question a heck of a lot easier to answer. I believe in THE ONE. The one who died, and rose again, to forgive my sins almost 2000 years ago. He died for me, and for you. And he lives for me and you now. Someday, he will come back for us and take us to live with him, and his father, God, in heaven, in the mansion that he has created for us.

Post 7 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 6!

6.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and what would you do if later on you changed your mind?

Thats easy. My personality when I'm with my parents. When I'm away from them, I can be the sweetest girl you ever knew. But when I'm home with them, I snap and growl and spazz at them for sometimes even just speaking. I don't mean to, and I try not to, but it just happens. My mom will tell me "if you try, you can change" but in all fairness, I *do* try, really really hard. I don't like being this way, but no matter what I tell myself, or do tom make myself be kinder, I always revert back to my old ways before long. If I could honestly change the way I am towards them, and *stay* that way, I so would. I hate being mean and rude like I am because I know it hurts them, but I just don't know what to do to make myself change permanently.

Post 5 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

Sunday, December 4, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 5!

5.List your bad habits and/or addictions and what you have tried to rid yourself of them.

I'm only going to list one of my bad habits on here because all the other ones that come to mind, I don't feel the world needs to delve THAT far into my life. =)
So, my bad habit is how much I HATE to clean my room. Legit. Any other room in the house, I don't mind cleaning, but cleaning my room just makes me want to throw everything I own out. And I have a bitch of a time KEEPING it clean. Not for lack of trying, oh no, I try to keep it clean, but, I dunno, I guess my room is *my* space to be *my* dis-organised self, and it just falls into a messy state before I even know it. The rest of my house though, I hate it being messy. Right now I'm trying to move into my basement, but over the years it has become somewhat of a disaster, and it's driving me up the wall because it is so messy. I get so overwhelmed by the untidiness of it that it takes me forever to accomplish anything, which pisses me off because it's not clean. But my room, it almost seems like it *has* to be messy in order for it to be *my* room.

Post 5 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

Saturday, December 3, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 4!

4.What music album would be used for a movie about your life?

First off. Wow. I've blogged 4 days in a row. That's gotta be some kind of record for me haha.
Now to answer the question.
I don't think I could pick any specific album off the top of my head to be used as a soundtrack for said movie. So, I'm just gonna say that a combined bunch of songs from Stompin' Tom could be thrown together to become this album to use to go with my life story haha. I'm absolutely in love with Stompin' Tom's music and the right song of his always seems to find its way to me at the right moment. His songs always strike a chord in my heart and fit my life just perfectly when I find them, or rather, when they find me, because I believe that what you need at any given moment of your life (and not what *we* feel we need, but what *God* feels we need) will find its way to us at that moment. And maybe if we threw in a song or two from Johnny Cash and maybe Loretta Lynn too, the album would be perfectly complete. Hmm, maybe I should make such an album and post the song list on here to describe my life. Well, maybe not life, perhaps year.. I'll work on it and get back to you all on this matter.
Post 4 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 3!

3.Name a totally useless possession and how you came to acquire it.

I pondered this question all day, and I came up with several different answers, but each time I came to write this blog post, I magically came up with a useful reason for my owning this particular item. So, it being the end of the day, and I still haven't legitimately come up with an answer to this topic, I'm going to throw in some humour for an answer.
Acne and Fat. Two very useless items that have attached themselves to me and seem to be clinging on for dear life. No matter what I try, no matter what cream or acne medication I use, I can NOT get rid of it for any great length of time. I hate it. It is useless and completely pointless. Same goes for the fat. One day, it wasn't there. next day, BOOM! there she was by's. I have done just about everything but become anorexic to lose this damned fat. Yet here it stays. Splattered about my body. Clinging on for dear life. I am SO not a fan.

Post 3 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

Thursday, December 1, 2011

80 Days of Blogging Challenge, Day 2!

2.What 5 websites do you visit often, and why?

The top 5 websites that I visit most often are
3-Dear Blank, Please Blank
4- Google
5- Youtube

I listed Facebook because I spend soo much time on there. I'm addicted. Which is rather ironic, because I hate Facebook. I find it such a pathetic waste of time and a place where a lot of people go just to garner attention. But yet I'm inexplicably drawn to go on it. AlL THE TIME! :(
Hotmail is on this list, well, because I have to check my email several times a day haha. Why I don't know, it's not like I'm waiting for an email from the Queen or something. It's like facebook in a way, I've just got to go on it.
Dear Blank, Please Blank is retarded but funny. I've spent a lot of time on it lately reading through the posts. Some I can relate to, others make me go "WTF?" and still some make me laugh. Which is good, everybody needs to laugh.
Google... God. so addicted to them too. I'm an internet junkie I guess.. I use google to look up important (or not so important things) like, if one of my fishes (I have 4 lol) is acting odd, I'll google to see what could possibly be the matter, and how to remedy it before it dies.
As for Youtube, I just plain old love music. I have to always be listening to music or I go crazy. Youtube helps with that addiction!

Man, With all these addictions, perhaps I should go to rehab?
You might have noticed blogger is not on my top 5. I didn't forget about it haha, its just probably my number 6 most visted website. Close, but no cigar amigo. Perhaps in a little while it will move up a slot or two. =)

Post 2 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts

First Letter!

Hello All!
Today I recieved my first letter from Loukmane. (For those of you who don't know, I started sponsoring him on Thanksgiving of this year.) This is by far the best Christmas present I've ever gotten! I love letters!!!
It reads:

Dear Lisa Keough
Loukmane says he is very glad to write his letter to you. He says his family thank you for sponsoring him. He says he live with his adoptive mother call Hien Masai who is a housewife. He says his mother Awa Duedraoga lives in the village and his father Idrissa is a farmer in Ivory Coast. He says he has brothers and halves-sisters. He says his uncle who is their neighbour help them in case of emergency. He wants to know your family members? He is asking you to pray for his family health andhis school. May God Bless you!