Friday, March 22, 2013

Compassion Sunday 2013

Hey all! This week I received an email from Compassion asking me, along with all the other Compassion Bloggers, to sign up for an online Compassion Sunday profile, and to blog about it.
On my Compassion Sunday profile, I got to pick a child who desperately needs a sponsor and post their picture on my profile. I figured this would take me a bit, because I wanted to chose the child that God called upon me to pick. It didn't take long at all. Right on the very first page of sweet children, a little boy from Nicaragua jumped out at me.
Little Hosmar is 3 years old and exactly one month younger than my dear little cousin Jaydee.
Hosmar lives with his mother, and four other children, and while he is too young to attend school, his profile says he regularly attends Bible class. His profile also says that his favourite activities are soccer, playing with cars, and singing.
Here is a link to Hosmar's profile.
I hope you will take a moment to take a look, and if you can, sponsor this sweet little boy, or another sweet boy or girl.
If I can give just two children sponsors before April 22nd, Compassion will donate $50 to the families of one of my precious boys. That would help out 3 families with just a couple clicks of the mouse.
Please take a moment to think about this. You could give the greatest gift to a child and their family in need, you could help them to escape from poverty's grasp.

xo Lisa

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A letter CAN Change a life!

If you have ever considered sponsoring a child, but have decided against it for whatever reason, I encourage you to watch the following video :

Jimmy Wambu was a child in the Compassion program when he was just a little child. When he got sponsored, his sponsor, Mark, wrote Jimmy a letter that changed his life forever .

I hope the letters that I send my sponsored boys make some impact on their lives. I hope, because I tell them of God's love for us, that they realize they can do anything they wish to do.

This works both ways though, the letters that I have received from my boys have changed my life. They tell me they love me, even though they have never met me, and they make me want to be a better person.

Have you received a letter that has changed your life?