Monday, April 23, 2012

80 Days of Blogging (Picking up where I left off)

Ok, I must apologize, before I start my blog post for today, for completely ditching my blog for so long. It's a long story, and I'm not going to get into it tonight, lol, but I just wanted to say I am sorry all you readers out there in cyberspace (even you, Matt! :P) I am again going to try to do this 80 days of blogging thing, and hopefully this time I won't ditch :P aahkay, here goes: 10. Name your most cherished childhood memory. My most cherished childhood memory would probably be the times I spent with my family. Especially those who have passed on. I can't settle on any one specific memory unfortunately, so I'll just say that it was time well spent in the company of those who love me, and those whom I love. :) I will always have those memories, and so long as I do, those I miss are never truly gone from me. Post 10 in the 80 days of blogging challenge c/o Tom Slatin's 80 Journal Writing Prompts