I promise one of these days I will start blogging regularly. lol, I'm just not sure when that day willl be haha!
THis week I got my hands on the book "Tuesdays With Morrie" and all I can say is "wow!" It is an amazing book. SO beautifully written. Morrie shares some amazing words within the covers of this book. No other book has touched me so deeply as Tuesdays with Morrie did. I reccomend this book to anyone who wants a touching read, or just a good read in general. Never has a book made me think so much about life, and the future. I read other reviews on the book and noticed many people had to read the book in school, and I am very dissappointed I was not one of those people. If anybody would like to borrow Tuesdays with Morrie from me, let me know, I'll be happy to lend it to you.