Monday, February 15, 2010

Stupid Choices

So many choices! :( on Saturday (Feb. 13) a very good friend of mine passed away in Hartland. His funeral is Wednesday, and I want so badly to go. Unfortunately, I have classes. I want so badly to tell Rick and/ or Wayne that I HAVE to go home, and work something out so I can submit my stories and NOT flunk out, but I also realize that I have to be here to do the stories. But I still want to go home. I feel in my heart that I need to be there, but it is my duty to be here. What is the right choice? Say my final goodbye to a dear friend, or miss two extra days of class? I need to be in both places at once.
Another choice I have to make is where I am going to be living for the summer. Charlottetown or Hartland. *Sigh. So many choices. I don't like being a grown up anymore. I'm ready to be a kid again, please. There are pros and cons to each place that I could stay. Home, well, I worked for 18 years to get out of there, but it's also in the country that I love so much and I can spend time with Grammie and all my friends and family there, but I have new friends here who mean just as much to me. And I miss them when I go away. *Sigh. All will be worked out in due time I suppose.